City and County of Swansea's Local Development Plan

Landowners, developers and the public have been invited to submit Candidate Sites for consideration whether they are suitable for inclusion in the City and County of Swansea's forthcoming Local Development Plan.The Town Council called a public meeting on Friday 16th September 2011 to discuss these sites. Notes of which can be found under Public Meeting Notes LDP. 

The covering letter to the City and County of Swansea regarding that meeting are available on Letter to Planning re Candidate Sites Public Meeting. The Council discussed these Candidate Sites at a Special Council meeting held on the 22nd September 2011. 

Mynydd Gwair Wind Farm

RWE npower renewables have submitted applications under Section 38 and 16 of the Commons Act 2006 in relation to the development of a wind farm at Mynydd y Gwair to the Planning Inspectorate Wales

  • Commons Act 2006 – Section 16 CL74 – application to deregister an area of land forming part of Mynydd Pysgodlyn and part Graig y Bedw, Pentwyn Mawr, Banc Myddfai, Garn Fach and Banc Darren Mawr Common to provide replacement land in exchange for the land to be deregistered;
  • Commons Act 2006 – Section 16 CL77 – application to deregister an area of land forming part of Mynydd y Gwair Common and to provide replacement land in exchange for the land to be deregistered;
  • Commons Act 2006 – Section 38 – Restricted Works on Goppa Hill Common, Mynydd y Gwair CL68 – application for consent to improve and widen (including resurfacing and strengthening) of the existing road known as Bolgoed Road and the provision of 0.525km of new access track;

  • Commons Act 2006 – Section 38 – Restricted Works on Mynydd y Gwair Common CL74 – application for consent to erect temporary fencing alongside the archaeological feature consisting of the earthwork Scheduled Ancient Monument GM202 at Penller Bebyll Cairn at Mynydd Pysgodlyn and part Graig y Bedw, Pentwyn Mawr, Banc Myddfai, Garn Fach and Banc Darren Mawr Common, for the protection of the feature;
  • Commons Act 2006 – Section 38 – Restricted Works on Mynydd y Gwair Common CL77 – Application for consent to erect temporary fencing alongside the archaeological feature consisting of a circular mound located approximately 550 metres to the north of Upper LLiw Reservoir at Mynydd y Gwair, for the protection of the feature.

The following standard letters of objection have been supplied by SOCME: